At Hope City we offer Vitamin B17 therapies in the following forms:

  • High dose of intravenous B17
  • Orally in the form of 500mg capsules
  • Orally liquid in liposomal format
  • Amygdalin, or vitamin B17, contains anti-cancer properties and does not cause side effects.

Cancer is defined as an abnormal process in the development and reproduction of cells, which involves the loss of their function and regulation. An important issue in cancer pathology is distinguishing whether a tumor can be benign or malignant; a benign tumor, like common skin warts, remains confined to its original location without invading adjacent healthy tissue. However, a malignant tumor is capable of invading adjacent normal tissue and spreading throughout the body through the circulatory and lymphatic systems, this process is called metastasis. Despite great advances in the development of new therapies to combat it, this disease continues to claim a large number of lives each year, with the prostate, breast, lung and colon having the highest incidence.

Many medications to treat cancer are quite aggressive and have a high rate of side effects, which is why a large number of people choose to treat the disease with alternative medicine, such as vitamin B17.

Vitamin B17, also known as amygdalin or laetrile, is a substance of natural origin to which anti-cancer properties have been attributed and has been the most controversial of the last 30 years.

Vitamin B17 is a compound formed from nitriloside, it was extracted from the apricot seed by the biochemist Ernest. T. Krebs Jr., who called it laetrile to simplify the name Laevo-mandelonitrile given in 1952. This substance is found in different foods such as bitter almond, apricot seed, apple, cherry, nectarine, peach, pear, plum, chia, flaxseed, sesame, macadamia nut, cashew, elderberry, cranberry, oats, sorghum and brown rice. It is reported that some tribes in which there are no cases of cancer, there is a high consumption of foods rich in vitamin B17.

According to research carried out by Dr. Krebs, the anti-cancer action of amygdalin is as follows: our body produces an enzyme called Rhodanase that is found in all body cells with the exception of cancer cells. On the contrary, cancer cells contain large amounts of an enzyme called B-Glucosidase, which is found only in neoplastic cells. Vitamin B17 is basically made up of two compounds: cyanide and benzaldehyde; When B17 enters the body it is metabolized by Rhondanase enzymes and converted into Thiocynate and benzoic acid, but when B17 comes into contact with cancer cells—which do not have Rhondanase enzymes that metabolize this vitamin—B-Glucosidases enzymes combine with cyanide. and benzaldehyde forming a compound that destroys cancer cells. This process is totally selective, sparing healthy cells and attacking only cancer cells.

Researchers additionally found that vitamin B17 requires zinc to be transported to tissues, so a deficiency in dietary zinc levels would lead to a lower distribution of this vitamin. In addition, it was found that there were additional benefits if it was combined with a nutritional program with adequate levels of Vitamins A, B, C and minerals such as selenium, magnesium and pancreatic enzymes.

In a recent study conducted at Kyung Hee University in South Korea, tonsil was used to treat prostate cancer. This is the most common type of cancer in men and the use of tonsil promotes apoptosis (cell death) in cancer cells. For this study, DU145 and LNCaP prostate cancer cells were used and it was shown that vitamin B17 increases the expression of Bax, which is a protein that promotes apoptosis, and decreases the expression of Bcl2, an anti-apoptosis protein, resulting in a increase in the destruction of cancer cells, in addition to sparing healthy cells, concluding that amygdalin may be a valuable option for the treatment of prostate cancer.

Another recent study on amygdalin published in the World Journal Of Gastroenterology worked with SNU-C4 colon cancer cells in humans, concluding that the use of amygdalin inhibits genes related to the cell cycle of SNU-C4 colon cancer cells, promoting their cell death and suggesting that this vitamin can be used as a treatment for colon cancer. There are diverse opinions on the use of vitamin B17 for cancer treatment, however there are publications that support its use. of this with scientific studies. Although amygdalin is not currently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the treatment of cancer, research continues into its use. There is no doubt that since its discovery, amygdalin has caused great controversy, but as long as there is no definitive treatment for cancer, people will continue to seek support in alternative medicines, trying to improve their quality of life and avoiding the side effects of some medications. currently used.